Purpose of Program
Everyone agrees that the most important asset of any organization is the human asset. Thus, the all important 21st century question becomes – How much untapped potential, energy, commitment and creativity currently exists within the human asset in your organization, team or department? What would it mean to your culture and bottom-line if you could learn to unleash just 10% more of the latent human potential? This leadership development program is precisely about the principles and practices of optimizing the human asset.
Who Should Attend
For all managers, supervisors, team leaders or anyone who is responsible for achieving results through people and who want to bring the best out in people.
Benefits of Attending
Participants will deepen their understanding of leadership, motivation, engagement, communication, delegation / empowerment in this interactive (NO role plays), high energy and thought-provoking seminar.
Participants will learn proven, powerful and practical strategies and techniques that will last a life-time and can applied the next day.
Content Overview
Module ONE – Leadership Fundamentals
- What Leadership really means in the most practical terms
- Why leadership is the real key to developing strong and sustainable levels of employee engagement
- The characteristics of an effective leader (self assessment to drive self understanding)
- The vital differences between leadership and management and why they are both important
- How to obtain buy-in and overcome resistance to change
- The critical difference between influence and persuasion
- The essential 3 step process for gaining influence with people
- How to create and sustain deep rich levels of communication between people ands departments
Module TWO – Building Productive Relationships
- EQ (Emotional Intelligence) – What it really means and why is it so fundamental to leadership success
- The essential difference between accountability and responsibility
- Participants learn to take personal responsibility for their actions and communications
- The “Four Behavioral Type” model (pre-work assessment tool)
- A practical model for building and sustaining productive relationships
Module THREE – Creating a Culture of Engagement & Teamwork
- What engagement really means
- How to measure how engaged people are
- Factors that motivate people building engagement; and factors that de-motivate people eroding engagement
- Understanding group dynamics and how to develop team synergy
- The 11 characteristics of high-performance teams (assessment tool)
- Team meeting communications (assessment tool)
- Developing clear performance expectations for the team
- The four core elements of a high-performance team
- The most common team pitfalls and how to avoid them
- The seven roles of a highly effective team leader
Module FOUR – Delegation & Empowerment
- The principles of effective delegation … The truth about empowerment
- What empowerment really means and why it is so important
- The complete 7 step delegation process
- The risks and restrictions of empowering people
- How to determine how much freedom and latitude to give an employee in terms of “how” to do a task
- The vital importance of developing clear “outcome-based” performance expectations whenever possible
- A tool to determine what performance feedback is appropriate to give each employee
- How to teach and facilitate a process for employee problem solving to prevent reverse delegation
- The essential difference between accountability and responsibility
Module FIVE – Core Communication skills
- How to create constructive coaching conversations (effective one-on-one communication)
- How to listen so that people feel understood
- How put forth one’s opinion or idea in manner most likely to gain acceptance and buy-in
- How to say no to some without rupturing the relationship
- How disagree someone without being disagreeable
Module SIX – Coaching & Feedback skills
- How to confront someone who’s behavior is problematic to you in a manner that minimizes defensiveness and best produces desired behavior change
- How to plan and prepare for delivering difficult Re-directive feedback
- How to deliver Re–directive feedback in a manner that no one gets hurt
- The four steps and four levels of Re-directive feedback
- How to deliver Re-enforcing or positive feedback in a manner that makes it meaningful
Module SEVEN – Moving to Action
- The seven strategic action steps to creating a high-performance Organization, Team or Department
- The direct co-relation between change and leadership – The faster the rate of change and the greater the need for effective leadership
- The key to dealing with change and building a highly responsive organization or team
- Strategic self development plans
Note: Courses are offered in person or as webinars. Each should have a call to action to Contact us to book your course which links to the contact page.