From Everywhere
The Principles & Practices of Character Based Leadership
The New Book By Gregory G. Campeau
Greg Campeau
Learner, Teacher and Professional Keynote Speaker
Greg Campeau is a learner and teacher of timeless Leadership principles or truths that govern both personal and organizational effectiveness. Greg has delivered over 2200 presentations and workshops throughout North America providing Leadership strategies and solutions that support both personal and organizational success and stability in the “white water world” of the 21st Century. Since founding Campeau Learning in 1991, Greg has established a client list that is clearly a breed apart, including organizations the likes of Finning Canada, Telus, the Canadian and U.S. Federal Governments, the NHL Coaches Association, and KPMG. Concurrently, for the last 14 years…

The key strategic competitive advantage of the 21st Century will be the development of Leaders at all levels of the organization!
Greg Campeau
Feeling caught between a clock and a hard place? The “time management” challenges of the 21st Century workplace are very different than industrial age – old solutions don’t work anymore! In this leading-edge Time Management Workshop, you will gain a new mind-set, skill set and tool-set that will optimize your personal productivity learning how to produce greater results in less time.
Becoming a Highly Effective Negotiator
The truth is that in our professional lives we don’t get what we deserve – we get what we negotiate. Are you finding your customers, clients, employees or boss or employers increasingly demanding, wanting more for less? Do you ever feel that you are being taken advantage of? Are you currently being underpaid for your skill and expertise?
Purpose of Program
Everyone agrees that the most important asset of any organization is the human asset. Thus, the all important 21st century question becomes – How much untapped potential, energy, commitment and creativity currently exists within the human asset in your organization, team or department? What would it mean to your culture and bottom-line if you could learn to unleash just 10% more of the latent human potential? This leadership development program is precisely about the principles and practices of optimizing the human asset.
Winning & Keeping Customers in the Value Era
The traditional “industrial age” approach selling is dangerously obsolete. Customers today are less loyal and more informed, demanding and value conscious which mandates a new mindset, skills set and toolset to achieve sales cycle success. This highly interactive, fast paced workshop has proven to be an extremely powerful and practical learning experience for all sales people. Participants take-away strategies and skills that they can apply the next day and will last a life time.
Rapid change requires rapid learning! … The evermore dynamic and inter-dependant 21st century workplace is dramatically different than just a decade ago We are now “knowledge workers” in the “information age” and the new currency is intellectual capital. A vital, yet self-evident truth is that this capital or knowledge is only of value to the degree it can be effectively communicated.
Workshop Objective
The research is crystal clear – EQ is the cornerstone of superior performance. When star performers were analyzed the one consistent common denominator – they had healthy EQ! Greater complexity has driven ever greater workplace interdependence which means that knowledge workers now spend 70 to 80% of their waking hours in one of the four forms of communication (reading, writing, speaking, listening), which means that EQ is an evermore important information age success factor.
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Greg has provided training to every level of our organization. All agree that Greg’s knowledge and experience, coupled with his high energy and enthusiastic delivery, have resulted in a great response and positive results throughout the organization.
Randy Hooge – Manager of Training
City of Abbotsford
Excuse Me, Your Accountability Gap is Showing
You can try to hide it, but I know for sure, it exists. I know for sure for two reasons. …
Four Vital Information Age Time Management Strategies
Feeling caught between a clock and a hard place? Know that you are not alone. More and more people report…
The 10 Things that Require Zero Talent
Being On Time Punctuality has become a large issue in recent years it seems. People always say they’re going to…